We strive to provide competitive and quality products and services that respect the environment, taking into account their entire life cycle. Our products meet the highest standards and excellence that our stakeholders expect from us while preserving the health, well-being and safety of LISI’s men and women.

Today, in order to continue to improve and quantify both our strengths and our CSR improvement, we involved EcoVadis, the expert in Corporate Social Responsibility, to audit our practices in this field. Their methodology is at the heart of a CSR analysis system based on 21 criteria and 4 themes: environment, fair labor conditions, business ethics, and responsible purchasing.
For this first audit, we obtained a score of 65% for our overall performance. LISI AUTOMOTIVE has been awarded the First Automotive Supplier Award by EcoVadis and is thus among the Top 5% of all audited companies (all sectors combined).
The chart below presents our overall and detailed performances in each of the fields audited (Environment, Fair Labor Conditions, Business Ethics, and Responsible Purchasing). Our performance in each area was compared to those of 150 automotive suppliers.